Karma Karma Chameleon
Well, it's that time again - to change my hair colour :)
Over the years I think I must have gone through pretty much most shades, apart from shocking pink & purple - and I haven't quite gotten to the blue rinse just yet :)
I thought I'd try out one of those kits where you get the highlights included as well included. Not for the novice - but as I've had years of experience it wasn't too bad. Result was good though - phew!
I've only had one serious disaster - going from dark brown to blonde in one sweep was not the smartest move, ending up with blonde, orange and green patches! Fortunately I had a hat which gave good coverage in order for me to get to the chemist & purchase another colour to sort out the damage.
Fortunately the colour covered it all rather nicely - but it seemed a bit of a waste of a morning! My daughters thought it was hilarious at the time.
I can remember yonks ago, when my mother did something similar - only her hair was alot longer - she had dark brown hair too & tried going blonde - only she ended up looking like a carrot! Bright orange! Dad was sent out that time to get the dye to change it back! Oh, how me and my brother laughed - up in our rooms!
Well, that's all for today. I will have to see what evolves tomorrow. :)
bye for now.
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