I'm free!
Hello folks!
It's been a little while since my last Blog I'm afraid, but I've been so busy!
For nearly two weeks now I have been free of my anti depressants - which I've been prescribed on and off for the last couple of years - instigated by incredible work pressures, stupid deadlines, working all hours, being too hardworking and concientious and not being allowed to tell management to stuff it!
I've watched my mother for as long as I can remember be on anti depressants, including valium, librium, triptazol, and nowadays seroxat.
I struggled for several months before succumbing to the 'dreaded' anti-d's as I didn't want to follow the path of my mother. In my eyes it showed a weakness - I was stronger than that - I could manage.
But, after mornings of tears - as I couldn't face work - waking up at 4am in the morning and not being able to sleep again, aching from head to toe almost on a daily basis (I called this my stress ache - it feels like the aches you get with flu but with none of the other flu symptoms), crying all over the place over the slightest thing and just generally feeling overwhelmed - I decided to give in.
I was started off on Citalapram (10mg) but I wasn't sure I could tell a difference. Though my husband said there was an improvement - at least I wasn't crying all over the place. I was signed off from work for a few weeks, which turned into a couple of months. I underwent some counselling at The Priory working with cognitive behaviour - it was quite reassuring to know that other people were in similar positions (the strange thing was that half of the attendees there were in the same company that I was!) Most of the time I felt I was doing ok after one of these sessions as others seemed to be far worse than I was.
The head psychiatrist suggested that I take some sleeping tablets tohelp me sleep, as sleep was evading me for quite a while - causing me my stress ache as I now realise - I tried these once or twice - but felt so zombified the following day until lunch time and had a horrible metallic taste in my mouth I decided to quit taking these as they couldn't be doing me any good.
It was just as well I did stop taking these particular sleeping tablets as I found out I was pregnant not long after and they state you're not to take them when you are so!
I perservered with the citalapram - though I didn't feel like they were doing much. I didn't feel like doing too much, daytime tv became a sanctuary, I didn't see many people - didn't want to see many people. My husband tried to get me to go out - which I normally did under protest - but as I couldn't drink (due to the tablets) and it seemed such an effort to go out - it seemed pointless. But I did and it was nice to get out of the house.
I went back to work for a couple of weeks, but after wishing myself to have a car accident on the way to or from work one day, I knew I couldn't continue - and got signed off indefinitely.
My dosage was increased to 20mg, but still I couldn't tell any difference - my only measure was whether I was crying or not! I still had my 'stress ache' and I still wasn't sleeping all that well. Some energy did come back every now and then though, as I managed to re-decorate most of the house.
With a little one on the way, I had a new focus in my life - so to this day both me and my husband see this as our saving grace. It was hard work being pregnant this time - it was 17 years since I'd been there last - plus with the addition of 'depression' or 'work related stress' it was quite a toll on my poor old bod!
We had a trip to Norway to visit my husband's family which was lovely - we drove over and I got to see alot of Norway's lovely mountains in the spring time. Apart from the engine room on the ship catching fire in the middle of the night and us being stuck in the middle of the North Sea - it was a very nice relaxing holiday! Though, I inadvertently misplaced my anti-d's at my brother-in-laws house before we set off on the second leg of our journey - and therefore ended up coming off my anti-d's cold turkey.
I would not recommend it!
I put most of my terrible feelings down to low blood pressure, not eating enough, and being pregnant! I was feeling swimmy and lightheaded sometimes after moving just a little. I did phone my doctor whilst I was away to check with him and he clarified that it could well be withdrawal from the anti-d's. I felt terrible - but having gone through it, I decided - when I did find my tablets again - that I wasn't going to go back onto them. Also, with the fact that I was pregnant - I didn't really want my child to come out dependent on anti-d's!
During the summer of my pregnancy, the company I was working for (or rather signed off from) were offering voluntary redundancies - so I jumped at the chance. The timing was perfect. A huge weight lifted from my shoulders. I didn't have to go back!
I was fine after this - did lots around the house, got a bit more enthusiasm back for some things that I enjoyed. I was looking forward to the birth of our baby!
Everything was fine for well over a year, and then things started getting on top of me. My redundancy money was coming to the end, I couldn't see a way of earning money myself to add to the pot - I couldn't see myself working for a large corporation again - my self esteem was incredibly low. I started feeling worthless, useless etc., sleep was becoming disturbed, and my stress aches were returning. I saw my doctor, burst into tears in her office and she decided I was depressed and put be on anti-d's again - though I asked specifically for seroxat this time as i'd heard some good stories (and bad!).
I think it made a difference - I didn't worry quite so much - I managed to find an evening job which I could work around little'n - but I ended up sleeping less - 3 hours hard cleaning put me into hyper mode and I couldn't get to sleep for ages. 5 nights a week for about 3 months I kept this up but had to give up as I couldn't cope with the not sleeping!
I started off on 20mg of Seroxat, and a few months ago I decided to cut it down in half. Wow! What a difference that half made! My energy levels increased dramatically - my enthusiasm came back for doing things. I hadn't been going out much or seeing people again - and it was a bit unfair on our little boy as he really needed to get out and meet other people. It was a remarkable change. I started taking a bit more care around the house etc.
Over the last couple of months I've been slowly decreasing my dosage from 10mg down to zero. I found a website (i will have to find the link again for it) which gave me instructions and advice on how to come off this very powerful anti-d. I tried doing this too fast and I felt like death warmed up! Horrendous. Felt as though I was going to pass out after the slightest movements. I didn't feel comfortable walking to the shops, driving, anything! So I had to start back again at 10mg and reduced by half a miligram every week. A long slow process, but it worked. I've now been free for almost two weeks and feel fantastic!
My energy has soared. I'm sleeping ok. My husband can't understand it! I'm working on the computer until midnight nearly every night. I'm in the process of pushing my business forward, and I'm getting back into my Avon business and just taken on a couple more roads, plus I'm looking forward to doing my mystery shops once more.
It has been a strange journey. I have become a little more aware of my limitations - most of the time. When my 'stress ache' appears I know I've been overdoing it and will give the housework a miss for a day or two and try to get an early night to re-charge the batteries!
I hope I haven't gone on too much, but once I started this Blog it kind of flowed... and flowed... who knows, perhaps it may even help someone out there who is / has experiencing/ed the same or something similar.
There is an end to it - you just have to be a little patient - your partner / family have to be alot patient - Rome wasn't built in a day - and it does sometimes feel like it's a very long tunnel to get through -but get through it you will. :)
Thank you for reading. Please drop by again soon - hopefully I'll be able to get a few more blogs up this week!
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