Ooops, I've done it again!
Oh dear - I've done it again - left it for ages & ages to update this blog.
And what's more - it's been so long they've changed the log in bits & pieces.
Well, I'm here, remembered my username etc., and set up my google bits!
Well, since my last posting so much has gone on - some same old stuff, some a bit more hairy and scary.
At present though I'm in a bit of a horrible place. Two months of hell in relation to my job - with admin's being downsized across the whole of the company world wide - so going from being told you've only got 4 weeks left, to being extended for another three weeks, and then finding a fantastic job, only to be told it can't be offered officially because the relevant sign-offs haven't happened - and then just days before the second deadline (4 to be precise) you finally get offered another role - just in the nick of time - but one that you really don't particularly want to be doing - but need to in order to keep the money coming in. Ho hum.
This week, all the stress has finally caught up with me, week three into my new job I am down with bronchitis - I blame it on the air conditioning personally! So I'm feeling quite crappy at the moment. My patience is running short, I'm stressed. Trying to run a business, and a full time job, and watch my husband playing games on the computer when he should be coming up with ways of earning some money - don't seem to make my life too great at the moment.
I know I should count my lucky stars, and there are undoubtedly more people far worse off than me - but I can't right now.
Perhaps I should have more faith.
I had, what I thought, was a fantastic interview last week for one of the local universities, for a job as a courseware developer. The job sounded brilliant - would have been excellent - but I didn't get it. Granted it wouldn't have been as flexible as current job - especially with little'n starting school in a few weeks time, but it would have been seriously satisfying - unlike my existing role which is just sorting out meetings in the diary. Not my idea of fun.
I'm sure there's a reason. I still have a few feelers out in other directions though - so whether they come through or not, time will tell. Time... Patience hasn't really been my strong point - well, I thought it used to be - but not any more.
Hopefully my partner will get through his second interview tomorrow and that should relieve some of the financial pressures looming on the horizon. How far can you cut down on things if you don't have much to cut down on?!
Well, that's enough for the moment - I don't want to stress myself before I go to bed and have a sleepless fretful night - anyway, it's time for my next bright red antibiotic pill!
Thank you for dropping by if you have. I'll try to have some positive words on here for next time!
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