Sunday, September 12, 2004

We did it!!!

Hi Folks!

Well, we've done it!

We put in an offer for the business we were looking at, and after a small amount of negotiation - we got it!!

It was quite a whirlwind kind of day, with not much time to think about anything - it still hasn't really sunk in - but I'm sure it will once things have settled, money's been paid and we have to get down to some hard graft!

So, after a few contracts have been signed, sealed and delivered etc., we will be the proud owners of an independent publishing company.

Until everything is sorted, I can't say which publishing company, don't want to put a jinx on it at this stage.

Suffice it to say, I'm really excited about it! It's the most perfect business I could possibly think of.

So, watch this space!

Come back soon!



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