Friday, September 17, 2004

An exciting week!

Hi Folks,

Well, after yet another hectic day, I am finally sitting down at my computer & writing a few words.

I finalised the opening of my business bank account today - so that's all underway. We have a draft contract supplied to us by the Solicitor - all ready to go, delivered in just over 24 hours! I am dead impressed. All looks good.

Am so looking forward to my holiday next week!

It's going to be a busy weekend - mystery shopping, delivering my Avon orders, and making sure we've got everything together to take away with us and then packing!
Then make sure house is tidy, as there's nothing worse coming back to a house that looks like there's been an explosion in it!

Well, that's it for tonight I'm afraid - not much inspiration left in me today.

Come back soon!


Thursday, September 16, 2004

Business start-up - seriously hard work!

Hi Folks,
Well, what a hectic week this has been! Apart from the regular things I do, Avon, mystery shopping, part time job plus housework & looking after our little'n, I've been trying to sort out a few more bits and pieces regards our new business venture. So, today, I've managed to see the bank and sort out ID bits and pieces in order to open up a business account. Managed to nab a solicitor - impromptu and have nailed him into looking at the business purchase agreement before we go on holiday on Monday! He's off on holiday too - so almost split second timing going on there.

I still have yet to pack, finish the washing, tackle the ironing and get the house back up together (read tidy!).

Thomas has been out of sorts this week, seems to be teething or just a bit off - I really hope he is sorted by the time we fly out on Monday evening.

Yesterday I saw my eldest daughter back off to Uni, though she's off to Germany next week and I won't get to see her again until just after her 21st birthday - a week before Christmas!

I haven't heard a thing from my younger daughter who's travelling round Australia since her birthday - probably having a marvellous time - but nevertheless - a courtesy call every now and then probably wouldn't hurt too much - especially as I've been the one paying for her phone top-ups!!

Well, hopefully next week I'll be able to chill and relax a bit. This week has been way too busy.

Anyway, that's it for now.

Drop by again soon!


Monday, September 13, 2004


Hi Folks,

Well, I guess all the excitement from Friday (getting our offer for the business we are purchasing accepted) has finally caught up with me! Feeling absolutely knackered today - though I guess that probably isn't helped much by the fact that our little boy woke up at around 6am this morning and I didn't get to bed till around 1am!

I guess though, I'd better get used to it! Going to have to be working hard I think over the next few months as we takeover and get to grips with our new business.

It's another late night now it seems, but research seems to take forever. Have been looking into business bank accounts together with an excellent looking ebook viewer (FlipPublisher) - though it's rather expensive! Have been getting bored with having to scroll through PDF files - this new one makes a pleasant alternative.

Well, it's 20 to midnight, so I may just get to bed today rather than tomorrow this time, so I will bid you a fond farewell, and hope to see you again soon!

Please drop in again.


Sunday, September 12, 2004

We did it!!!

Hi Folks!

Well, we've done it!

We put in an offer for the business we were looking at, and after a small amount of negotiation - we got it!!

It was quite a whirlwind kind of day, with not much time to think about anything - it still hasn't really sunk in - but I'm sure it will once things have settled, money's been paid and we have to get down to some hard graft!

So, after a few contracts have been signed, sealed and delivered etc., we will be the proud owners of an independent publishing company.

Until everything is sorted, I can't say which publishing company, don't want to put a jinx on it at this stage.

Suffice it to say, I'm really excited about it! It's the most perfect business I could possibly think of.

So, watch this space!

Come back soon!


Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Hi Folks,
Well, these last few days have been THE most infuriating!!

I'm not sure if there is anything such as Post Menstrual Tension - perhaps someone can enlighten me if there is such a thing - cos it's certainly not Pre-menstrual and it's doing my head in!!

The slightest thing has either upset me or made me ready to kill someone - it has been that extreme.

I was heading to work the other day and a piece of music came on the radio - Jon & Vangelis - I'll find my way home. I love this piece of music and had decided some time ago, morbid though it may seem, it would be a good piece to have played at my funeral (this came about at the time my husband's father was terminally ill, and thought it would be a good idea to decide on things earlier on in case anything happened to either of us), and the tears were streaming down my face making it almost impossible to drive for a while.

Yet, yesterday - I had to phone a certain british telephone company about some problems with a phone socket. After 19 minutes on hold I managed to speak to someone who told me I was speaking to the wrong department and they gave me another number. So, another 15 minutes later I spoke to someone else, who told me exactly the same & gave me yet another number!!
So on third attempt - I decided to opt for the call back option - then only to be told it was probably cheaper to go to PCWorld to get the filter as it would cost around £50 for an engineer to come out & fix it!!

Then, I decided to go out and find a push chair suitable for holiday - so a lightweight umbrella folding type one. You'd think it would be easy. But no, the one I wanted wasn't available. Which I only found out after I'd paid for it - so thereby needed a credit back to my card!


If anyone else suffers in this way I would be really pleased to hear from you! Post MT is quite scary as it seemingly comes out of nowhere!

Anyway, that's it for now folks.
Drop by again soon.

Pauline :)

Sunday, September 05, 2004

It's been ages & ages!!!

Hello Folks,

I'm not sure how many people, if any, read my blogs - I'd like to think someone does - so if you are reading this and have been reading them in the past - humble apologies for having to wait so long for this next one!

It has been incredibly busy these past few weeks...
"So what's new?" I hear you say


My youngest daughter has celebrated her 19th birthday down in the land of Oz and has now moved on to Perth to continue her year long adventure - though there's only 10 months left of it now, as she's been away for two months already! Geez time flies!

My eldest daughter has been home for the summer, working two jobs in an attempt to have money saved up for next term at Uni, pay off her car insurance, mot, tax etc., and pay for her living expenses when she goes on a placement in Germany for three months!

All this global travelling by my girls!

I've been busy planning all the necessaries for our holiday in a couple of weeks - like car rental and airport parking - all important stuff - but can take a bit of time to find the relevant deals!

Both me and my husband have been doing lots of research these last few weeks in light of our potential business venture. I think it will all pay off in the end!
And this weekend we've been checking out our potential business purchase and meeting the current owners. They were lovely genuine people. It looks incredibly promising - all we need to do is to play with some figures and ultimately decide on whether we will need to re-arrange our house - and hope we don't get beaten to the post!

All exciting stuff I can assure you.

Well, certainly more exciting than the flippin' housework which seems to be always never ending.

Oh, we did have Jon's mum over for part of this week, so we had lots of days out, and little'n ended up going to bed late every night! Hopefully I'll get him back into his routine before we head off to the sunny mediteranean.

Well that's it for now. Got to sort out my Avon letters for my customers!

Drop by again soon.
